Thursday, June 30, 2011

Gastro Bloody Aftershow in 7th St. Entry following First Ave Mainroom Show, July 9

Bloody Gastro Aftershow
July 9th, 7th St. Entry 10 PM - 2 AM 
$5 cover / $3 Cross over from gastro proper

There will be Leftovers, we hope. For your $5 you will enjoy all and any leftovers from the main room Gastro Non Grata show, while listening to the gory sounds of our friends in  Blood, Sweat and Beards, be brain pummeled by Total Fucking Blood and finish it off with some ear jams from Bloodnstuff.

Leftovers will be covered in ketchup and siracha for effect

Even more good times to make your day of decadence with Gastro Non Grata a reality, we'll see you there.
Gastro Non Grata is a labor of love brought to you by Craig Drehmel and Jeff Mitchell.

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